onsdag, december 16, 2009


Perspective lets you know the things that are really important, and the ones that really aren’t worth a second thought.
It lets you evaluate things subjectively.

Is getting overcharged two dollars at the supermarket worth a trip back? Or would you be better spending the time earning another fifty?

Is the fact someone was careless and inadvertently cut you off on the highway worth blowing the horn, swearing and raising your blood pressure?

Is it really your kid’s fault that they knocked over their milk after you told them not to knock over their milk? Or did you manifest that anyway?

If your spouse is loving, loyal and caring – is it really a hill to die on that they squeeze the toothpaste in the middle of the tube?

Mentally review all of the things you made a big deal over during the last week. Were they really that important? Or are you focusing on the negatives and missing out on the positives? How is your perspective?

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