fredag, mars 25, 2011

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again

Hittade denna texten på en av de Personlighets utvecklings bloggar som jag läser regelbundet. Tyckte den var riktigt bra och stämmer så väl in på de flesta av oss, Antingen försöker vi om och om och om igen på samma sätt och förväntar oss olika resultat, eller så ger vi bara upp, När vi egentligen kanske ska försöka igen, men tweaka till det och ändra det som inte funkar.

Men läs texten och tänkt efter.

What To Do When Trying Harder Isn't Enough
by C.S. Hughes

A fly is buzzing around in my home, franticly looking for an escape. He can see the outside world through the window and smashes his whole body into the glass trying to make his get away. It didn't work, so he tries again, and again, and again. I tire of watching him, and walk away. Hours later I return, and there he is, still bashing his head against the window. How futile, I think to myself. And I leave him.

The next day I pass by the window again. The buzzing has stopped. I notice him laying lifeless in the window sill. He spent the final season of his life, the best he had, trying harder at something that clearly wasn't working. His goal of freedom was noble, but his approach was unavailing.

When my children fail at something or aren't getting the immediate results they want, and begin to complain, I'll have them recite with me, "If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. Don't give up too easily, persistence pays off in the end." I'm a big believer in the power of persistence. However, persistence has it's limitations. The fly trying harder to break through the window is an example. And there are many others...

I have a friend who has been laid off several times in the last three years. He went from earning more than $100,000 a year to less than $40,000. Each time he was laid off, he went right back to looking for another job. Each time he found work, he was soon laid off again. Like the fly, he too, continues to bash his head on the window of employment, and still has not found freedom.

Albert Einstein calls this insanity; doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. The fly in my home, my friend and so many others like him, continue to do the same thing over and over, and over, expecting that somehow, things are going to change and get better.

I learned years ago, that in order to experience something you've never experienced, you've got to try something you've never done. For 27 years of my life, like the fly, I used my body to forge my escape. I cleaned used appliances, roofed houses, painted curbs, washed cars, mowed lawns and waited tables. One day I realized the body wasn't doing the trick and I decided, for the first time in my life, to use my mind to pave my path to freedom.

Archibald MacLeish said, "The only thing about a man that is a his mind. Everything else you can find in a pig or a horse." If you are not using the higher faculties of your mind to craft creative solutions to your challenges, you will be no better off than a pig, or a horse, or a fly in a window.

You have the power to see, do, and accomplish anything you desire. If you've been trying hard and trying hard is not working, may I suggest a different approach? Think. Really think. Don't remember. Because remembering isn't thinking. And don't worry. Because worrying isn't thinking. Think. Really think. Write down your new ideas and take new actions, and then think some more. In this process, you will find solutions for your challenges and a far more effective route to freedom and success.

You can. Your choice.

C.S. Hughes

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