fredag, oktober 02, 2009

Are you sick and tired of always beeing sick and tired?

Guest post from Dustin Taylor at

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want everything to go away? Wondering why life isn’t better for you? Wondering if it’s something that you did wrong or if it’s just because that white corolla didn’t signal when he cut you off on the way home from work? I mean, whose fault is it really? The guy driving 30 down the highway on a scooter or you for being in such a hurry?

I’m talking about one of those days (or weeks, or years) where you just can’t do anything right. Where you may be trying to please everyone, but end up pleasing no one. What then? You’ve wasted your life hoping, even expecting, to please others so that one day you will be happy, but it all ends up backfiring. Can you really please everyone around you? Is it possible?

Have you ever woken up to the same routine that you told yourself last week that you were going to leave behind? The same thing for breakfast, the same to-do list, the same way to work, the same time for lunch and then you try and add some spice to your life by driving home a different way just because? Yup, I know you have. I have too.

So how have I decided to get out of this? I’ve decided to stop tricking myself into believing that I’ll change if I keep trying to do the same thing over and over. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Are we really naive to believe that hoping for change will actually effect the change? Gandhi may have said it best, yet so simple,

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

It’s true. You have to change before you can see the change in others. You have to give more for others to be able to give more. You have to be who you say you want to become for others to be who they want to become. The cold, hard truth, is that it starts with YOU. And you are the only one that can do it…not only that, but the only one that should do it.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

If you gotta start somewhere, why not here? If you gotta start sometime, why not now? If we gotta start somewhere, I’ll say here. If we gotta start sometime, I’ll say now. – Toby Mac, City On Our Knees

Man up. Stop whining. And please don’t wait for someone else to fix themselves or fix you. Do something different. Do something different today.

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